Concise Minutes - Remuneration Board

Meeting Venue:

Conference Room A - Tŷ Hywel

Meeting date: Thursday, 19 September 2019

Meeting time: 09.10 - 13.56

WRB (24)




Board members:

Rt Hon Dame Dawn Primarolo (Chair)

Ronnie Alexander

Trevor Reaney

Michael Redhouse

Dame Jane Roberts


Joanna Adams, Assembly Members' Senior Business Partner

Anna Daniel, Head of Strategic Transformation

Matthew Richards, Head of the Legal Service

Carys Evans, Head of Member Liaison and Professional Development

Martin Jennings, Research Team Leader

Gethin Jones

Stephen Aldhouse

Helen Finlayson


Ruth Hatton (Deputy Clerk)




1         Chair's introduction

1.1        The Chair welcomed Board members to the meeting.

1.2        The Chair and Board members expressed their best wishes to Lleu Williams, clerk to the Board.

1.3        The Board agreed the minutes of the 4 July 2019 meeting.

1.4        The Board noted the update provided on the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill currently at Stage 2, of its legislative scrutiny.

1.5        The Board noted an update on the next phase of Assembly reform and the Assembly’s decision to establish a Committee on Assembly Electoral Reform.

1.6        The Board noted an update on the roll-out of security devices for Members.

1.7        The Board noted an update on independent investigations as part of the grievance procedure.

1.8        The Board noted an update following the recall of the Assembly.

1.9        The Board considered and agreed its forward work programme for the autumn term.


Action point:

-     The secretariat to publish the minutes from the July 2019 meeting.



2         Item for discussion/Decision: Remuneration of Committee Chair Assembly Electoral Reform

2.1     The Board noted the Assembly’s decision to establish a Committee on Assembly Electoral Reform.

2.2     The Board noted that the Business Committee will put proposals to the Assembly on the size and membership of the Committee in due course.

2.3     The Board considered a letter from the Llywydd setting out the Committee’s remit. Board members noted that the work of the Committee would be time-limited, but agreed on the basis of the potential complexity and technicality of the Committee’s remit that the Chair should be remunerated at the higher rate.


Action point:

-     The Board to write to the Llywydd to confirm that the remuneration of the Chair of the Committee on Assembly Electoral Reform should be set at the higher rate.



3         Item for discussion/Decision: Chair of Pension Board

3.1     The Board considered the appointment of the Professional Independent Chair of the Pension Board. The appointment is for four years and the current Chair’s period of appointment will end in May 2020.

3.2     The Board considered its options including advertising for a new appointment or extending the current Chair’s appointment for a further four years.

3.3     Noting the current Chair’s performance the Board agreed to extend her for a further four year term.


Action point:

-     To notify the Clerk of the Pension Board of the Board decision to extend the current Chair’s appointment for a further four years.



4         Item for discussion: Determination for the Sixth Assembly: Consultation proposals part three

4.1     The Board considered the issues which fall under part three of the review regarding salaries of Members, office holders, leaving office and additional support.

4.2     The Board agreed to consult on its proposals to amend these chapters of the Determination.

4.3     The closing date for the consultation will be 11 November 2019.


Action point:

-     Issue and promote the consultation;

-     Prepare a summary of responses for consideration at a future meeting



5         Item for discussion: Determination for the Sixth Assembly

5.1     The Board considered updates on the Political Parties Support Allowance and the Employment of Political Group Staff.

5.2     The Board agreed not to consider any changes in relation to the identity of the employer of group staff at this time. They agreed that any decisions in respect of the identity of the employer of group staff would best be undertaken  as part of the wider review of Assembly reform.

5.3     The Board noted that legislation on the size of the Assembly  is not expected to be introduced until the next Assembly term, and agreed that this issue should be highlighted in it legacy report for the new Board in 2020.

5.3 The Board agreed to consider the Political Parties Support Allowance as part of its annual review of the Determination for the remainder of the Fifth Assembly.

5.4     The Board agreed that any changes to formula or structure of the allowance would need to be considered in the context of Assembly reform. Therefore, it was agreed that this should be highlighted in the Board’s legacy report to the new Board in 2020.


Action points:

-     To consider the Party Political Support Allowance as part of the annual review of the Determination at a future meeting.

-     To include in the Board’s legacy report to be published in summer 2020.





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